Understand the affiliate programme and the rule book thoroughly.
Always disclose the affiliate relationship clearly with the potential audience
Promote the product with integrity
Educate the audience about the product
Maintain regular communication with Invesmtae to get updated on the changes happening within the system
Always use Ethical Marketing practice.
Leverage the testimonial ,case studies to build the credibility and demonstrate about Invesmate’s product
Always use the LMS link to check the lead status, commission details etc.
Encourage the student to via the authorized payment link only
Inappropriate behaviour or use of offensive language to any student, and discussing topics against religious or cultural norms is prohibited during class.
While the class is in session, you must not allow any student to share their social media links, contact numbers, or E-mail IDs through the Chat Box. If such an incident occurs, address it firmly and report it to your Academic Groups.
Personal conversations with students outside of the designated class time are not allowed, except without the assistance of counsellors. Financial transactions, portfolio management services, or live market tips are also not permitted through any means. Any personal discussions with the students are strictly prohibited and any personal services on behalf of the organization should not be entertained.
Avoid using statements such as "High Profit," "Zero Loss," or "Guaranteed Income" from the stock market. Direct buy, sell, or holding recommendations for shares, mutual funds, or index investments are not allowed, as per SEBI guidelines.
While you can add some additional information to the covered class topics, it should not be irrelevant and must not be completely unrelated to the syllabus.
No self-promotion is allowed inside or outside the class, especially using the organization's name for self-promotion that may be perceived as contrary to the organization's interests.
Overall Investment Process এর উপর গুরুত্ব (দীর্ঘমেয়াদি বিনিয়োগ, মিউচুয়াল ফান্ড, সুইং-ট্রেডিং ইত্যাদি) দেওয়া উচিত, শুধুমাত্র ইন্ট্রাডে বা অপশন ট্রেডিংয়ে নয়।
Emphasize the importance of the overall investment process, including long-term investment, mutual funds, swing trading, etc., not just intraday or option trading.
You cannot change the class schedule under normal circumstances other than medical emergency or urgent situation. For any leave requirements, you should inform the Academic Group at least 15 days in advance.